Sunday, June 21, 2009

1905 Assassination attempt to the Turkish Sultan II. Abdülhamit by French, Armenian and Dutch and Russian Terrorists!

Year 1905, July 21 th. Sultan was coming out of the mosque after Fridays prayers, his car was parked 400 meters away. His religious expert wanted to clarify some points and they start talking, during that moment a huge explosion taken place, lims and fingers flying off the crowd, smoke and blood painted the walls of the near by buildings.
Everyone was running away to a different direction except for the sultan, he was firm in his spot and he had no sign of fear or panic or surprise on his face. His two aide de camps was shaken as well, one of them, Miralay Sadık Bey dropped his sword which later Abdülhamit commented as; “I don’t want a man near me who drops his sword from fear, he shall be sent off to Trablus (Libya)”
During the event he also said; “ pull my car to the shore side and find who done it and arrest them”
Well, both orders were fallowed to the teeth; all assassins were under chains in no time.

Armenians they were butchers but had no experience killing a sultan so they employed the best they can afford, famous Terrorist Edward Jorris and the crew. Edward Jorris got a job with Singer Co. to learn all about the sultans routine, he was watching and noting that the sultan was taking exactly one minute and 42 seconds to his car after coming out of the Fridays prayers.
Terrorist list was long and international, Kristofor Mikaelyan and a young woman named Robina (he announced as his daughter) from Russia, Hacı Nişan Minasyan, Mıgırdıç Serkis Garibyan, Karabet Ohanesyan, Vahram Sabun
Kendiryan, Silviyoriçi, Sari Torkom, Trase Yuvanoviç are the significant members of the list.

rest of this article is linked as pdf , as it includes images.

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